Career Management Process: (Click image for descriptions)

Imagine: With a combination of left and right brain based activities, we’ll work together to imagine provocative possibilities that build on the best of who you are and what you wish for. We’ll visualize you standing in your desired future as though it exists today. We’ll determine what it would take to bring that picture to life. © 2006 Minnesota Website Design
Inquire: Pathfinder helps you discover and build on the best of who you are. Through a process of inquiry we’ll uncover themes that have already been instrumental in your success and work to build on that achievement. In a thorough consultation we lead in-depth inquiry into your professional life including job/education/community service history, peak moments, motivations, successes, awards, defeats, ideas and wishes. The structured process itself facilitates a genuine re-examination of your life in terms of where you have been and what you have done. Patterns that emerge are key to career and job search planning. The knowledge and history we gather is a testimonial to who you are and how you bring yourself to the world. Clients often express confidence building surprise at how much they have done and the extent of skills and competencies they have to offer. Inspire: Pathfinder offers on-line assessment instruments (CPI, FIRO-B, Myers-Briggs, Strong Interest Inventory, Career Assessment Inventory, Worklife Values Checklist, Human Synergistics Lifestyles Inventory, DISC, VOICES® 360, etc.) as tools for dialogue and deliberation on skills, interests, competencies, strengths, values and wishes. Certified career practitioners and/or licensed psychologists (a) provide in-depth feedback regarding career assessment findings (b) exchange ideas with clients to discover patterns of success, examine life stories, explore areas of greatest strength, identify possibilities and pinpoint prospective career targets. Imagine: With a combination of left and right brain based activities, we’ll work together to imagine provocative possibilities that build on the best of who you are and what you wish for. We’ll visualize you standing in your desired future as though it exists today. We’ll determine what it would take to bring that picture to life. Initiate: Bringing together all we have discovered, dreamed and designed, we lead you in lighting your path. This may mean growing an existing profession, identifying knowledge/skill gaps for development, celebrating strengths/talents to build on and/or making a conscious choice for a complete career change. We’ll create targeted goals and manage positive movement in a clearly mapped direction. We’ll build in regular “career portfolio audits” to ensure sound career management and resilience. We lead you in lighting your path through a comprehensive career investment plan.